400 650 1979
鐧�(f膩)甯冩檪(sh铆)闁擄細2010-04-28 11:38渚�(l谩i)婧愶細澶栧晢鐛�(d煤)璩噑omso瑗垮牎绱呴厭鏈夐檺鍏徃鐔卞害锛�218586
SOMSO 瑗垮牎娉曞湅(gu贸)寰锋厱鐖剧郴鍒楀崁(q奴)鍩熶唬鐞嗘嫑鍟� 浣涘北甯傝タ鍫$磪閰掓湁闄愬叕鍙告垚绔嬩簬2004骞�锛屾槸涓€瀹跺皥妤�(y猫)浠g悊鑱炲悕涓栫晫鐨勫姞鎷垮ぇ鍐伴厭銆佹瓙缇庤憽钀勯厭鐨勭磪閰掍唬鐞嗗叕鍙搞€傚叕鍙告搧鏈夎彲鍗楀ぇ鐨勯厭鑾�-鈥淪OMSO瑗垮牎閰掕帄"銆�1600骞虫柟绫崇殑鍦颁笅閰掔獤鍎�(ch菙)钘忎締(l谩i)鑷笘鐣屽悇鍦扮殑鍚嶈帄钁¤悇閰掋€� 姝¤繋鎰挎剰缍�(j墨ng)閵烽€�(j矛n)鍙h憽钀勯厭鐨勬湅鍙嬪€戝姞鐩熷皥璩�(m脿i)搴楃稉(j墨ng)鐕�(y铆ng)锛� 姝¤繋鍒扳€淪OMSO瑗垮牎閰掕帄鈥濆搧鍢楅€�(j矛n)鍙h憽钀勯厭锛� 姝¤繋鍦�(tu谩n)璩�(g貌u),姝¤繋渚�(l谩i)鎴戝叕鍙窸EM銆� 涓€銆佺附閮ㄥ皪(du矛)鍔犵洘搴楃殑閯噸鎵胯 1. 鍎�(y艒u)璩�(zh矛)鐨勭敘(ch菐n)鍝�銆佸厖瓒崇殑鍍�(ji脿)鏍肩┖闁�锛岃畵鍔犵洘搴楀湪甯傚牬(ch菐ng)涓叿鏈夊ぇ鐨勭(j矛ng)鐖�(zh膿ng)鍎�(y艒u)鍕�(sh矛) 2. 鍏嶆敹鍔犵洘搴楃殑鍔犵洘璨�(f猫i) 3. 鍏嶆敹甯傚牬(ch菐ng)淇濊瓑閲� 4. 璨�(f霉)璨�(z茅)鍔犵洘灏堣常(m脿i)搴楃殑瑁濅慨瑷�(sh猫)瑷�(j矛)鎸囧皫(d菐o)锛屾彁渚涜淇晥鏋滃湒鍜屾柦宸ュ湒 5. 棣栨壒閫�(j矛n)璨紝绺介儴鏍规摎(j霉)涓嶅悓鐨勬(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)璐�(z猫ng)閫佷竴瀹氭瘮渚嬬殑閰掍綔鐐鸿淇敮鎸佸拰瀹e偝涔嬬敤 6. 閫�(j矛n)璨ㄦ墦鎶樺劒(y艒u)鎯�锛屾牴鎿�(j霉)涓嶅悓鐨勬(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)閫�(j矛n)琛屼笉鍚岀▼搴︾殑鍎�(y艒u)鎯� 7. 鐣�(d膩ng)閫�(j矛n)璨ㄩ仈(d谩)鍒颁竴瀹氶搴︼紝鍏徃绲︿簣涓€瀹氭瘮渚嬬殑閫�(j矛n)璨ㄧ磪鍒╀簣浠ョ崕(ji菐ng)鍕�(l矛) 8. 姣忔閫�(j矛n)璨ㄩ兘鏈夐€�(j矛n)璨ㄩ噾椤�3%鐨勭Ξ鍝侀厤閫� DE MOUR路Blanc 鈥� Bordeaux 寰锋厱鐖� 鐧借憽钀勯厭 Intage锛堝勾浠斤級 : 2007 Format锛堝閲忥級 : 750 ml Classification锛堢瓑绱�(j铆)锛� : A.O.C. Alcohol Percentage 锛堥厭绮惧害锛�: 12.5 % Appellation锛欱ordeaux 鍦扮悊浣嶇疆锛氭尝鐖惧 Grapes Varieties锛�80 % Sauvignon, 20 % Semillon 钁¤悇鍝佺ó锛�80%绺懗婵�锛�20%璩界編钃� Winemaking: Picking at full maturity in order to obtain the best balance between the fruit and the acidity, then the fruit is gently pressed. Fermentation at low temperature and ageing on fine lees during 4 months. 鐧�(f膩)閰垫柟寮忥細鎴愮啛鍚庨噰鏀朵互渚跨嵅寰楃殑閰稿害鑸囨灉棣欏钩琛�銆備腑搴﹀姒�銆備綆婧櫦(f膩)閰�锛屽師缃愰櫝閲€4鍊�(g猫)鏈�銆� Taste notes: Bright pale golden colour with green shine锛孍xpressive and persistent nose with hints of citrus and white fruit銆俆he mouth is aromatic with flavours of citrus and pineapple, and well balanced by a nice freshness 鍝佸槜瑷橀寗锛氬付鏈夊厜婢ょ殑娣洪噾榛冭壊椤忚壊锛屽亸缍犺壊娉涘厜銆傞姘iΕ閮佹寔涔�,鏌戞椤炴按鏋滐紝鐧借壊姘存灉锛屽彛鎰熸竻鏂版槑蹇紝棣欏懗骞宠 锛屾煈姗樿垏鑿犺樋銆� Recommended food锛欰s aperitif, with fish and seafood, with certain goat cheeses锛� 閰嶉寤鸿锛氶枊(k膩i)鑳冭彍锛岄瓪(y煤)椤烇紝娴烽锛屾煇浜涘北缇婂ザ閰€� Service锛歋erve from the bottle at 10掳C 渚嶉厭锛�10掳C Château La Croix Davids Tradition 鎴寸董鍗佸瓧鑾婂湌 缍�(j墨ng)鍏哥獤钘� Intage锛堝勾浠斤級 : 2005 Format锛堝閲忥級 : 750 ml Classification锛堢瓑绱�(j铆)锛� : A.O.C. Alcohol Percentage 锛堥厭绮惧害锛�: 12.0% Appellation锛欳ôtes de Bourg 鍦扮悊浣嶇疆锛氬竷鐖惧湴鍗€(q奴) Superficie锛�40 hectares 鍎�(y艒u)璩�(zh矛)钁¤悇鍦掗潰绌嶏細40鍏爟 Grapes Varieties锛� Merlot, Cabernet Franc锛孋abernet-Sauvignon 钁¤悇鍝佺ó锛氭娲�锛屽搧楹楃彔锛岃丹闇炵彔 Age of the vineyard锛�30 to 40 years on average 钁¤悇鍦掓ü(sh霉)榻★細30鑷�40 骞� Viticulture : Natural farming with soil labouring over the total surface of the vineyard and without use of chemical herbicides. 绋鏂瑰紡 :鑷劧鐨勬柟寮忥細鍦熷¥缈昏€�锛屼笉浣跨敤浠讳綍鍖栧(xu茅)鐢ㄥ搧銆� Winemaking: Traditional winemaking in tanks with long maceration (on average 3 weeks) for a maximum extraction of fruit and tannins. 鐧�(f膩)閰垫柟寮忥細鍌崇当(t菕ng)鐧�(f膩)閰�锛屼笉閵圭綈涓暦(zh菐ng)绱�3鍛ㄧ殑娴告棘锛屽ぇ闄愬害鐨勯噵鏀炬灉棣欒垏鍠銆� Ageing锛欴uring one year in oak barrels (50% new, 25% 1 year old and 25% 2 years old) 闄抽噣锛氫竴骞存鏈ㄦ《(50%鏂扮殑, 25%涓€骞�,25%鍏╁勾) Cellaring : 8 to 12 years 闄冲勾娼涘姏 : 8鑷�12骞� Taste notes: This wine with deep ruby red colour develops flavours of red fruit (cherry, cassis) and has a nice large structure with solid supporting tannins. 鍝佸槜瑷橀寗锛氭繁瀵剁煶绱呰壊锛岀壒鍒ョ殑棣欐埃锛氱磪鑹叉按鏋滐細榛戝姞渚�锛屾妗�銆傚彛鎰熸績閮�锛屽柈瀵х祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鎰熷挤(qi谩ng)銆� Note : Regularly medalled in several contests. 榛�(di菐n)瑭�(p铆ng) : 甯稿湪涓嶅悓绔�(j矛ng)璩戒腑鐛茬崕(ji菐ng)銆� Château La Rode 缇呭痉鑾婂湌 Intage锛堝勾浠斤級 : 1995 Format锛堝閲忥級 : 750 ml Classification锛堢瓑绱�(j铆)锛� : A.O.C. Alcohol Percentage 锛堥厭绮惧害锛�: 12.5 % Appellation锛欳ôtes de Castillon 鍦扮悊浣嶇疆锛氬崱鏂拏姘稿湴鍗€(q奴) Superficie锛�11.5 hectares 鍎�(y艒u)璩�(zh矛)钁¤悇鍦掗潰绌嶏細11.5鍏爟 Grapes Varieties锛�70 % Merlot, 20 % Cabernet Franc 钁¤悇鍝佺ó锛�60%姊呮礇锛�20%鍝侀簵鐝� Age of the vineyard锛�30 years 钁¤悇鍦掓ü(sh霉)榻★細30骞� Viticulture : Traditional. At the end of July Green harvest to have optimal yield control. Mechanical harvest. 绋鏂瑰紡 : 鍌崇当(t菕ng)鏂瑰紡銆�7鏈堟湯鐤忔灉浠ユ帶鍒剁敘(ch菐n)閲�銆傛(j墨)姊伴噰鎽� Winemaking: In concrete and stainless steel tanks, 3 to 4 weeks鈥� maceration according to the year, with temperature control. 鐧�(f膩)閰垫柟寮忥細涓嶉姽閶艰垏姘存偿缃愮櫦(f膩)閰�锛屾牴鎿�(j霉)骞翠唤涓嶅悓鏈�3鍒�4鍛ㄧ殑鎺ф韩娴告棘銆� Ageing锛�80% in tanks, 20% in oak barrels (1/3 of which are renewed each year). 闄抽噣锛�80% 浜庝笉閵归嫾妗�锛� 20% 浜庢鏈ㄦ《锛岋紙鍏朵腑涓夊垎涔嬩竴鐨勬《姣忓勾鏇存彌銆傦級 Cellaring : 8 to 15 years 闄冲勾娼涘姏 : 8鑷�15骞� Taste notes: This wine has an intense color, with a nice touch of wood in the nose. In the mouth it is well-balanced with tannins, full-bodied, solidly built. 鍝佸槜瑷橀寗锛氳壊婢ゆ繁娌�锛屾湪棣欑窗(x矛)鑶�锛屽彛鎰熷钩琛�锛屼腹瀵ф績鍘氱祼(ji茅)瀵�(sh铆)銆� Note : Many medals in regional and national contests Paris Agricultural Contest:Gold Medal, in 1989 and 1990. Bordeaux Agricultural Contest:Silver Medal in 1999. Bordeaux Agricultural Contest:Bronze Medal in 1996. 榛�(di菐n)瑭�(p铆ng) : 鍦ㄧ溇澶氬湅(gu贸)闅涘湅(gu贸)鍏�(n猫i)绔�(j矛ng)璩戒腑鐛茬崕(ji菐ng)锛� 宸撮粠杈�(n贸ng)妤�(y猫)绔�(j矛ng)璩�1989骞�锛�1990骞�锛�銆� 娉㈢埦澶氳静(n贸ng)妤�(y猫)绔�(j矛ng)璩�1999锛岄妧鐗� 娉㈢埦澶氳静(n贸ng)妤�(y猫)绔�(j矛ng)璩�1996锛岄妳鐗� Château Le Paradis 澶╁爞鑾婂湌 Intage锛堝勾浠斤級 : 2006 Format锛堝閲忥級 : 750 ml Classification锛堢瓑绱�(j铆)锛� : A.O.C. Alcohol Percentage 锛堥厭绮惧害锛�: 12.5 % Appellation锛欳ôtes de Bourg 鍦扮悊浣嶇疆锛氬竷鐖剧敘(ch菐n)鍗€(q奴) Superficie锛�40 hectares 鍎�(y艒u)璩�(zh矛)钁¤悇鍦掗潰绌嶏細40鍏爟 Grapes Varieties锛� Merlot, Cabernet Franc锛孋abernet-Sauvignon 钁¤悇鍝佺ó锛氭娲涳紝鍝侀簵鐝�锛岃丹闇炵彔 Age of the vineyard锛�30 to 40 years on average 钁¤悇鍦掓ü(sh霉)榻★細骞冲潎30鑷�40骞� Viticulture : Natural farming with soil labouring over the total surface of the vineyard and without use of chemical herbicides. 绋鏂瑰紡 : 鐢熸厠(t脿i)鑰曚綔锛氬叏閮ㄥ湡澹ょ稉(j墨ng)閬�(gu貌)娣辫€曪紝绲曚笉閲囩敤鍖栧(xu茅)闄よ崏鍔�銆� Winemaking: Traditional winemaking in tanks with long maceration (on average 3 weeks) for a maximum extraction of fruit and tannins. 鐧�(f膩)閰垫柟寮忥細鍌崇当(t菕ng)鐧�(f膩)閰碉紝3鍛ㄥ乏鍙虫蹈婕�锛屼互鐛插彇澶氱殑鏋滈鑸囧柈瀵�銆� Ageing锛欴uring one year in oak barrels (50% new, 25% 1 year old and 25% 2 years old) 闄抽噣锛氫竴骞存鏈ㄦ《闄抽噣銆�(50% 鏂�, 25% 涓€骞存《 25% de 浜屽勾妗�) Cellaring : 8 to 12 years 闄冲勾娼涘姏 : 8鑷�12骞� Taste notes: This wine with deep ruby red colour develops flavours of red fruit (cherry, cassis) and has a nice large structure with solid supporting tannins. 鍝佸槜瑷橀寗锛氭繁瀵剁煶绱呰壊锛岀磪鑹叉按鏋滈姘�锛岄粦鍔犱緰锛屾妗�?锛熻療琚戞嫺V锛屽柈瀵х祼(ji茅)妲�(g貌u)鎰熷挤(qi谩ng)銆� Note : Regularly medalled in several contests. 榛�(di菐n)瑭�(p铆ng) : 缍�(j墨ng)甯稿湪鍚勭ó绔�(j矛ng)璩戒笂鐛茬崕(ji菐ng)
椤� 鍒ワ細钁¤悇閰掓嫑鍟�
鍝� 鐗岋細somso
鍘� 鐢�(ch菐n) 鍦帮細娉曞湅(gu贸)
绯栭厭缍�(w菐ng)鏄皥妤�(y猫)鎻愪緵閰掗椋熷搧椋叉枡鎷涘晢 鏈珯鍙捣鍒颁俊鎭钩鑷�(t谩i)浣滅敤,涓嶇偤浜ゆ槗缍�(j墨ng)閬�(gu貌)璨�(f霉)浠讳綍璨�(z茅)浠�,璜�(q菒ng)闆欐柟璎�(j菒n)鎱庝氦鏄�,浠ョ⒑淇濇偍鐨勬瑠(qu谩n)鐩� 瀹㈡湇鐔辩窔锛�400-650-1979
Copyright © 2018绯栭厭缍�(w菐ng) 婊琁CP鍌�18000531铏�(h脿o)-1